Visa and Mastercard Settlement: What Merchants Need to Know

The Visa and Mastercard settlement has emerged as one of the largest antitrust cases in the financial industry, significantly impacting businesses that processed payments through these major credit card networks. With over $5.5 billion on the line, the settlement provides an opportunity for merchants to recover a portion of the fees that were charged between January 1, 2004, and January 25, 2019. If your business accepted Visa or Mastercard payments during this period, you might be entitled to a share of this substantial fund. Here's everything you need to know.

visa mastercard settlement
Photographer: ma_Design

Background of the Settlement

The settlement stems from a class-action lawsuit that accused Visa, Mastercard, and more than 25 banks of charging merchants excessive and hidden fees. These fees, known as "swipe fees" or "interchange fees," are deducted from each credit card transaction and can add up significantly over time. The plaintiffs, which include various merchants and retailers, argued that Visa and Mastercard colluded to inflate these fees, violating antitrust laws.

In 2012, a settlement was initially reached for $7.25 billion, but it was later reduced to $5.54 billion after some retailers opted out of the agreement. Despite years of legal battles and appeals, the final settlement fund of over $5 billion has been established to reimburse merchants who were affected during the specified period.

Key Details of the Settlement

The settlement provides an opportunity for businesses that accepted Visa or Mastercard payments between 2004 and 2019 to claim a portion of the processing fees they were charged. This means that if your business processed credit card payments during this time frame, you may be eligible for compensation from the settlement fund.

The claims process is currently open, and businesses have until February 4, 2025, to file their claims. It is essential to act promptly, as further deadline extensions are unlikely. The settlement fund is finite, and eligible businesses will be compensated based on the total value of the claims submitted.

How Much Could Merchants Receive?

The amount that each business will receive from the settlement depends on various factors, including the volume of transactions processed and the fees paid during the settlement period. Merchants who processed a higher volume of Visa and Mastercard transactions are likely to receive a more significant portion of the settlement fund. However, even small businesses that processed fewer transactions can still benefit from the compensation available.

While it is difficult to estimate precisely how much each business will receive, industry experts suggest that businesses could recover a meaningful portion of the fees they paid over the years. For many merchants, this compensation represents an opportunity to recoup funds that were unfairly taken from them due to the excessive fees imposed by Visa and Mastercard.

The $30 Billion Swipe Fee Settlement Rejected

In addition to the $5.54 billion settlement, another major settlement related to Visa and Mastercard's swipe fees was proposed earlier in 2024. This settlement, which aimed to roll back some of the swipe fees for a limited time, was valued at $30 billion. However, this proposal faced significant opposition from retailers, who argued that it did not go far enough to provide meaningful relief. Retailers were particularly concerned that the proposed rollback was too temporary to make a real difference for businesses.

In June 2024, a federal judge rejected the $30 billion settlement, citing concerns that it was not in the best interest of merchants. This decision underscores the ongoing tension between credit card companies and retailers over the high cost of processing fees​.

Photographer: Shutterstock AI

How Tidal Commerce Can Help

Navigating the claims process for the Visa and Mastercard settlement can be complex, especially for businesses unfamiliar with the legal and financial intricacies involved. Fortunately, payment processing companies like Tidal Commerce are stepping up to assist their clients in filing claims and maximizing their potential compensation.

Tidal Commerce, a payment processing company dedicated to transparency and fairness, offers support for businesses seeking to register for the settlement. By working with Tidal, merchants can ensure that their claims are accurately filed and that they receive their rightful share of the settlement fund.

Tidal Commerce is well-positioned to assist businesses throughout this process. They understand the impact that excessive swipe fees have had on their clients and are committed to helping them recover as much of their lost funds as possible. With their expertise, businesses can navigate the claims process with confidence, knowing that they are receiving the support they need.

Steps to File a Claim

If your business processed Visa or Mastercard payments between 2004 and 2019, here are the steps to file a claim for the settlement:

  1. Determine Eligibility: First, confirm that your business accepted Visa or Mastercard payments during the eligible period. If you did, you are likely eligible to file a claim.
  2. Collect Documentation: Gather documentation that shows the volume of credit card transactions processed by your business during the settlement period. This may include credit card processing statements, financial records, and transaction reports.
  3. Submit a Claim: File your claim through the official settlement website or seek assistance from companies like Tidal Commerce to ensure that your claim is submitted accurately and on time.
  4. Monitor Your Claim: After submitting your claim, keep an eye on its progress. You may be required to provide additional documentation or information during the review process.
  5. Receive Compensation: Once your claim is approved, you will receive your share of the settlement fund. The timing of payments may vary, so it's important to stay informed about any updates related to the settlement.

Why This Settlement Matters

For many businesses, the Visa and Mastercard settlement represents an opportunity to recover funds that were unfairly taken from them due to excessive processing fees. These fees have long been a source of frustration for merchants, who often have little control over the costs associated with accepting credit card payments.

By participating in the settlement, businesses can hold Visa and Mastercard accountable for their actions and recoup a portion of the fees they were charged. This compensation can provide much-needed relief for businesses, especially in an economic climate where every dollar counts.

Moreover, the settlement serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency and fairness in the payment processing industry. Companies like Tidal Commerce, which prioritize honesty and integrity, are helping to reshape the landscape of payment processing by advocating for their clients and ensuring that they are treated fairly.

Reclaiming Hidden Fees

The Visa and Mastercard settlement offers a significant opportunity for businesses to recover funds that were lost due to hidden and excessive fees. With over $5 billion available, it is crucial for eligible businesses to file their claims before the deadline of February 4, 2025. Payment processors like Tidal Commerce are playing a vital role in helping merchants navigate this process and maximize their compensation.

If your business accepted Visa or Mastercard payments between 2004 and 2019, don't miss out on this chance to recover a portion of the fees you paid. Registering for the settlement could provide meaningful financial relief and ensure that your business is compensated for the unfair charges imposed by Visa and Mastercard. Contact Tidal Commerce now to see how we can help you register for this settlement!

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