
Common credit card terminal issues.
I'm getting a Comm Error on my credit card terminal.

Comm Errors are usually associated with the local internet or phone connection (depending on how you are currently processing). We advise merchants that are receiving a communication error to make sure that their network is still intact. If they have confirmed that their network is still operational, we advise them to call Tidal Commerce support for additional troubleshooting.

My internet works but my credit card terminal won't connect.

Internet connectivity issues can occur for a variety of different reasons. If you are experiencing an influx of connections issues we encourage you to reach out to our support team at (800) 573-6268 and select the corresponding option for your terminal.

How do I process transactions in the event that my device goes down?

If there is a time where you are not able to use your device, online gateway, or POS software, please contact support for more assistance.

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